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Quad Living Legacy Celebration

Bishop Charles H. and Mother Prentiss McClelland

Date & Time

April 5th 2025

1:00pm - 4:00pm CST


Brookfield Conference Center

325 South Moorland Blvd.

Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005


Ticket Price by Cash or Check: $200.00

Ticket Price by Givelify: $206.00 includes processing fee


Click here for givelify link.


RSVP By February 15, 2025

Monies Due March 1, 2025



75 years of life 


Charles Henry McClelland was born April 5, 1950 in Covington,  Tennessee. God answered the prayer of his dear mother. Mother Annie  McClelland’s prayer was, “Lord, if you bless me with a son, I will give him  back to you.” God answered her prayer and because she knew that God’s  hand was on his life she chose the name Charles after Bishop Charles  Harrison Mason and Henry after her first pastor, Charles Henry Foster. A age 19, he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. God saved him and he  surrendered his life to God.  


75 years later we gather to celebrate a life dedicated to the fulfillment o God’s call on his life. To God Be The Glory! 


50 Years of Marriage 


It was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that Charles Henry met and married his  “wife for life”, Prentiss Delores. While making a great impact on the lives of  so many they have grown together in their commitment to each other as  they advance the kingdom of God.  


50 years later we gather to celebrate with them 50 (good years) of  marriage. To God Be The Glory! 


50 Years of Ministry 


As young people they made the decision to live their lives exemplary of  holiness as they served faithfully under the leadership of the late Bishop P.  J. Henderson. God would call young Brother McClelland to preach the  gospel of Jesus Christ. Together Elder and Sister McClelland began to  grow and mature in the work of the Lord answering the call to pastoral  ministry.  


Through their ministry they have served the Holy Cathedral Church of God  in Christ with wisdom, courage and humility. He continues to preach the  gospel with excitement, fervor and passion under the anointing of the Holy  Ghost. Their ministry grew to include a tremendous community outreach  program as they founded the Word of Hope Ministries. Thousands of lives 

have been impacted through an array of services: Job Placement and  Training, Social Services, Health Care, Technology, Mentoring,  AODA,Counseling and Prisoner Re-entry Services and many more. 


50 Years later we gather to celebrate “A Ministry That Touches People.” To God Be The Glory! 


2nd Quadrennial Term on the General Board of the Church of God in Christ 


In November 2008 at the Holy Convocation Bishop McClelland was  consecrated and appointed as Jurisdictional Prelate of Wisconsin  Northwest Jurisdiction by the Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr. On  March 2021, Bishop McClelland was elected to the General Board of the  Church of God in Christ. In November 2024 he was re-elected for a  second Quadrennial Term on the General Board. 


Today we celebrate the man of God chosen for such a time as this to sustain and perpetuate order in the church.  

To God Be The Glory!


Milwaukee West Hotel

Price: $179.00 USD/Night

Dates: Friday April 4th – Saturday April 5th, 2025


3 rooms maximum can be booked under 1 Name

4 guests maximum per room


Overnight parking is included


Any cancellations are required prior to 48-hours of arrival to avoid cancellation fees.

Please contact the hotel directly should you have additional questions or require




Bishop J. Drew Sheard

Presiding Bishop & Chief Apostle


Bishop Charles H. McClelland

Jurisdictional Prelate & General Board Member


Lady Prentiss McClelland

First Lady

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